Photo booths have grown to be very common in Singapore, especially for grand parties like weddings and company Dinner & Dances. Having an instant print photo booth at any type of event is fantastic news for guests because they can take a great picture of themselves and have the picture printed out immediately. It becomes even more wonderful when the printed picture has an indication of where it came from – the beautiful wedding picture of the bride and groom or a lovely message or caption. Photo booth vendors have taken all these into consideration. Now, modern photo booths in Singapore are able to do so much more than just take pictures and churn them out. In fact, the finest photo booths in Singapore are the ones that go above and beyond to ensure delight in every guests’ when they receive their personalised photo printout. Here are three great qualities of the finest photo booths in Singapore.

Customised design for every event

With high-quality photo booths, the photos are customised to fit that event. Pictures taken at each event will be personalised for that event. Before the event begins, a designer will lay out a photo template, usually with a title of the event and any other relevant collaterals. For instance, at a wedding, the photo could include an inset with the happy couple’s picture at the bottom, along with their names. The message on the photo could also thank the guests for being a part of their special day. The couple could specify exactly what they would like in the printed design. Another aspect of customisation that can be done is the backdrop of the photo booth. If the couple has a favourite colour, they could pick a backdrop that sports that specific colour for their booth. The finest photo booth has many possible backdrops to choose from. These aspects of customisation make for an extremely special photo booth experience for everyone at the event.

High-quality photo studio equipment

Do not underestimate the power of good photo equipment. Having a high-quality lens and camera will not only help you capture crisp, clear and focused photos but also ensure the photos are well-lit and colour calibrated. No need to worry about the overly orange lighting at the hotel! All that can be fixed with the right camera and experienced photographer. The finest photo booth uses professional DSLRs and high-power Swiss studio lights. A team of professional photographers run the booth, assisting guests with all their concerns with a friendly smile. This way, all photos turn out the way they should – perfect.

High-speed photo printer

Printing the pictures on good quality paper is an absolute must in the photo booth business. After all, these photos are memories that all guests would want to keep for many years to come. Thus, there is a need for a fast yet high-quality photo printer. Our printers at the finest photo booth use ink that is long-lasting and paper that is thick and glossy. It is also extremely fast – perfect for guests who take large group photos and want a printout for everybody. The finest photo booth in Singapore will certainly be able to cater to all those needs.


Photo booths have come a long way. Now, they are robust, high-quality and able to delight every guest with their perfect pictures. Hiring the finest photo booth in Singapore may be the right option for your wedding or event. Find out more by emailing!