Instant photo booths can be found at many local events, including weddings, expos, conventions, dinner and dances, and student reunions. Guests can visit these booths at the events and snap a picture in front of a beautiful backdrop. The finest photo booth in Singapore also uses studio quality lighting and professional DSLR cameras to capture the best of the guests. Then, these photos are printed out on beautiful, glossy paper that guests can bring home. For some guests, these photos are buried in their purse or backpack, and only resurface as a crumpled mess when they clean out their bag. There is, however, value in these physical photo printouts. Here are 4 good reasons why you should keep your instant photo booth printouts.


The printout is a reminder of the great night you spent at the event. By keeping the memory in a safe place, you can always look back at it whenever you are feeling nostalgic. Perhaps you are missing a friend in the photograph who moved overseas, or are thinking of the fun times you had while you were studying in university. The photo booth printout will be able to bring back all those precious memories in an instant.

Materials for anniversaries

If your partner is featured in the photo, then it is even more crucial for you to keep the photo well, as you could eventually use it in an anniversary gift in the future! This could be a small diary with pictures, a photo album or any other gift that could be made from a stunning photograph. When your partner sees the gift, they’ll know that you treasure time spent with him/her and has certainly put in a considerable amount of effort in creating it, and he/she will certainly appreciate you for it.

Scrapbooking or decorative material

Finally, many people have a hobby of collating their precious memories together in a scrapbook or folder. The photo booth printout is perfect for such a purpose, as they capture important people in your life within the photograph. If you value the memories of important events in your life, then you should definitely bring home the photo booth printout and place it neatly into your scrapbook or folder.

You could also use the photo as decoration for your room’s walls to turn the space into your own little sanctuary.


Without a doubt, the printout you receive from any instant photo booth would be key in helping you remember the great experience you had at the event. Keeping the printout and treasuring it is a way to extend the happiness felt during those memories.