The current trend of having photo booths in wedding receptions is not about to go away just yet. They offer a unique opportunity for the wedded couple and the invitees to capture memories at the wedding.

Nearly everyone can and will use photo booths and that’s why they are popular in weddings. Moreover, they also provide instant gratification where you get pictures taken in the booth immediately and take them home with you as souvenirs. You can also instantly share the images on social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.

If done well, photo booths can be the talk of the event. If poorly done, they will be a huge waste of time and resources in addition your dissatisfaction. If you wish to add a photo booth to your wedding day, here are some tips to get it right.

Pick a studio style booth

Unlike closed box style booths, studio style booths are perfect for weddings. Anyone with a social media account would know how good lighting is crucial to a good photo and photo booths are no exception.

Studio style booths imitate the setup of photo studios, allowing for ambient natural light while still being able to regulate the intensity of artificial light provided. This allows for the best lighting to take the best photos. Some box style booths contain only the camera and screen, and the printer and lighting are outside the box which put guests in an enclosed space and a controlled environment. Such boxed booths produce inferior photos as compared with studio style booths. Though box booths have been around longer, studio style booths take vivid, natural photos that better capture guests and their fun.

The more, the better

Weddings seek to bring everyone together and actively involve everyone, and therefore the idea of a few people closing themselves off in a closed box-style photo booth doesn’t augur well with the communal excitement of weddings. Pictures taken in open studio style booths can fit almost a dozen people at one go which promotes better group photos and more interaction among your guests. As its name implies, open studio style booths allow everyone to see and join in the excitement.

Lead the way

The bride and groom ought to be involved in taking snapshots in the photo booth. Snaps with the wedded couple are memorable on the big day, and a booth offers a unique opportunity to capture great shots with all your guests.

Ideal positioning

So where do you position the photo booth in your wedding venue? If you position your booth away from the action, be assured you will not get many good snaps. Ideally, place the booth near the entrance with ample room for guests to jump in and out.


Select a backdrop to match your wedding’s theme or color pallete or even ask for a customised backdrop from the booth rental operator. You can use backdrops like blackboards, grass-walls or even shimmering tinsel curtains! A cool backdrop that matches the theme of your wedding will surely attract more people to the photo booth.


You need to choose the right props to stir people’s imaginations. The role of the wedding photographer is to take the serious shots, so let loose in the booth with props. You can put on masks, costumes and or use cute signs. The list is endless, and it’s highly recommended that you stamp your own mark on your wedding day with your own creative props.


A huge bonus to add to wedding photo booths in Singapore is having a projector in the venue where photos can be projected. Most wedding venues will have a projector to show the photo montage of the bride and groom. Before that, having a live stream of the photos taken in the photo booth can be a big talking point for your guests however some photo booth vendors charge for this. At Cloud Booth, live streaming of photos is a value-added service we provide for free.


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